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The Nourish Blog 

Welcome to the Nourish Blog. 
I hope you enjoy reading my posts and find inspiration for cooking plant based recipes, developing healthy habits and learning about intermittent fasting and essential oils. 

Inspiration for a healthy lifestyle

Miranda Lewis

the latest

Should I count calories? (No, this is what I recommend you do instead)

Should I Count Calories?  Have you ever found yourself wondering WTF should I eat?? Nutrition is confusing. Or at least it seems that way. So many conflicting opinions! Should you eat fat, or not? 🤷 How much protein do you need? 🤷 Is sugar to blame for everything? 🤷What’s better for weight loss vegan or paleo? 🤷 SO MUCH NOISE. Which […]

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I’m Miranda.
Proving to you that healthy can be fun, and delicious! A busy working mum myself, here to share simple and effective ways to look and feel your best. 
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Is Oat milk Good for Me? You thought oat milk was healthy, right? 🤷You heard it was a better alternative to mucous forming dairy, right? 🤷Unfortunatley, that’s not always the truth.   “A latte made with Oatly Barista is the toxic and inflammatory equivalent of a medium serving of french fries” Ok, we all know […]

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Celery Juice Benefits and Why I Drink it Everyday Celery juice, popularised by Anthony William aka the Medical Medium, is one of the biggest health crazes around these days. If you’ve been wondering why there’s no celery left on the supermarket shelves it’s because everyone is juicing it! You may not have much regard for the humble celery. Normally […]

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What are the benefits of honey?  How to choose the best one for your needs.  There’s honey and then there’s honey. There’s the mass-produced squeezy stuff which is just liquid sugar, then there is raw, unpasteurised honey with real medicinal benefits. Raw honey is not filtered, strained, or heated above 115 degrees Fahrenheit and provides far more benefits than […]

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How to Reduce Stress [5 Lifestyle Tips for managing emotions naturally] We all of our issues, however big or small, with mental health. And I’m so happy that we English are gradually moving away from the ‘stiff upper lip’ mentality and becoming more comfortable with sharing our feelings.   I started therapy when I was 9 […]

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Cleaning with Essential Oils  Cleaning is not the most exciting subject or thing to do (I’m no Monica).  But cleaning with essential oils at least makes the task smell a lot better, plus I love to see how using plants instead of chemicals can get the job done.  Why Clean with Essential Oils?  Normal cleaning […]

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Is coffee bad for you? (Here’s the truth).   Clients often ask me, “Is coffee bad for you?” so, here’s the truth: Coffee is medicine for some people, and poison for others. The answer to whether coffee is bad for you or not is down to how you metabolize caffeine. Just to be clear by coffee […]

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Healthy can be simple and delicious, let me prove it to you. 

I know it's hard to make time for yourself. The demands are endless and your to-do list is never ending. That's why being healthy needs to be a lifestyle choice, an automated part of who you are, otherwise it will never happen. It's easier than you think, let me show you! 

About me

Guilt-free Chocolate Recipes 

With my easy to follow e-book you will receive:
  •  7 delicious, gluten & dairy-free, low sugar chocolate treat recipes.
  • You'll learn how to make: raw cacao chocolates, chocolate mousse, peanut butter freezer bites, vegan snickers bar, hot cacao with fresh nut-milk and easy peasy nice-cream.

And all the recipes are super simple and quick to make, because I KNOW, just like me, when you want chocolate, you want it NOW!



Join me on the 'gram for healthy inspo, and my pup Frisbee! 
