The Positive Nutrition Podcast – My Story From Disordered Eating to Food Freedom

Miranda Lewis

April 19, 2024

HI! I’m Miranda.
My mission is to help you have a positive, happy and healthy relationship with food and your body..
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Welcome to the first-ever episode of the Positive Nutrition Podcast!

In this episode, I share my story from disordered eating to food freedom and I give you a feel for the kind of content you can expect from the Positive Nutrition Podcast. 

What is Positive Nutrition?

Positive Nutrition is a term I coined, combining my expertise as a nutrition and positive psychology coach and also using my background as a yoga teacher. 

It’s the combination of two strong beliefs that I hold: 

1. That nutrition is important, it feeds every cell in our bodies. 

2. That our eating doesn’t have to be perfect, and that who we are as the eater is just as important as what we’re eating. 

From Disordered eating to Food Freedom:

From my early teens I restricted my food, aiming to consume as little as possible as my worth was tied to my weight. The thinner I became, the more I believed I was succeeding. The less I consumed, the more accomplished I felt.

Yoga helped to transform my relationship with food


When I discovered yoga in my late teenage years it helped me shift my relationship with food.

Instead of viewing food in terms of its calorie content or whether it would make me fat I began to see it in terms of how it could suport my body’s health.

I ate what might be considered very healthy food. I ate a ‘clean’ vegetarian diet. But my eating was disordered because despite that the foods I was putting into my body were healthy, my mindset around it wasn’t. 

I used to experience a lot of food-related anxiety and felt overwhelmed if I couldn’t stick to healthy eating. I restricted a whole list of foods which I deemed ‘unhealthy.’

I wasn’t at peace with food. 

Binge-eating episodes

As I share with my clients, after a time of restricting a certain food, food group, or calories, it is not uncommon to swing in the total opposite direction before we can come into balance with our food.

So for a while I felt completely out of control around food, experiecing binge eating episodes.

Essentially this was my body’s way of getting the food that it needed.

Over time I learnt that the only way to break the cycle is: to break the cycle. I had to allow the binge to happen without then restricting.

Once I began to be kinder towards myself, my relationship with food changed.

My perspective now

I firmly believe that our eating habits mirror the way we navigate life. If I aspire to live with ease, flow, and joy (which I absolutely do), I must reflect that in how I nourish myself.

Positive Nutrition is about eating from a place of love, self-respect, calm and joy. It’s about creating a happy, healthy and peaceful relationship with food. 

It’s work worth doing because it just has the potential to change your whole entire life. 


I hope you’ll listen to full episode here and then leave me a review to let me know your thoughts and to enter into the draw to win a free 1:1 session with me. 

You can find out more about my programme Done with Diets here. 

You can download my free Balanced Plate Plan here

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