
Why Diets Don’t Work (And what does… )

January 19, 2022

HI! I’m Miranda.
My mission is to help you have a positive, happy and healthy relationship with food and your body..
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DIETS DON’T WORK (but you probably know that already?)

Just because they don’t work, doesn’t mean that you won’t be tempted to jump on the January ‘New You’ bandwagon, right? But, friend, I don’t want you wasting your time on that BS, so let’s understand better why diets don’t work and what I recommend you focus on instead. 

Here’s why diets don’t work: 

  1. They are too restrictive, so you get hungry 
  2. When you get hungry you break your ‘diet’ and end up eating more to make up for the restriction 
  3. Whilst you’ve been eating less you have slowed down your metabolism 
  4. So now you are eating more AND have a slower metabolism 
  5. You put on more weight than you’ve lost! 
  6. You feel like crap, you’re consumed with guilt and you begin the cycle all over again. 

Has this ever happened to you?

LET’S MAKE 2021 DIFFERENT If diets aren’t the answer, what can you do instead? When I’m working with a client that would like to lose weight (aside from letting her know she is perfect as she is) I recommend 3 strategies, which are easy to implement and sustainable to follow. They are: 

  1. Crowding Out
  2. Intermittent Fasting 
  3. Detoxing 

Crowding out means that you focus on eating for nourishment, not eating for calories. When you focus on filling up with high-quality, nutrient-dense foods 80% of the time you have much less desire for the other crappier foods. Yes, it’s really that simple. 

Intermittent fasting is not about eating less or consuming fewer calories, it’s about eating less often. It’s completely natural for humans to fast, what is not natural is for there to be such an abundance of foods around us and to be snacking most of the day. Following the 16/8 formula helps you to: 

  • Lose weight 
  • Lower inflammation 
  • Increase energy 
  • Improve focus 
  • Better digestion (especially bloating) 

You can learn more about intermittent fasting in my free Complete Intermittent Fasting Guide here. 
Detox. The word detox has a bad rep. People don’t usually know what it really means.  Our bodies detoxify naturally every day. But like a bath that is filled too high and starts to overflow, our bodies are dealing with more toxins than they know what to do with. When our detoxification organs become in-efficient we notice ‘chronic’ symptoms: 

  • Headaches 
  • Low energy 
  • Bloating 
  • Bad breath 
  • Skin outbreaks 
  • Stubborn weight that won’t shift 

Whilst these symptoms don’t seem like a big deal they are an indication that your body isn’t working optimally. Just like a drain that is clogged, your detoxification organs need to be cleared so that they can handle the toxins (which are EVERYWHERE from the food you eat to the air you breathe, to the products you use on your body and in your house) efficiently. The true meaning of a detox is to support the detoxification organs to do their job properly and to safely eliminate the toxic buildup (which can be decades old). By supporting the body (through detoxifying foods and supplements) and removing some of the substances that are creating toxicity in the system your body can work optimally, and the chronic symptoms disappear. 
If you want to learn more about these 3 strategies and how to implement them, watch my Masterclass Replay “Why Diet’s Don’t Work” where I’ll get into more detail about how to implement these strategies so you can: 

  • Feel confident & comfortable in your body 
  • Lose any unwanted weight 
  • Learn how to eat for nourishment 
  • Have consistent energy


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