Essential Oils

It’s Easy To Make Your Own Candles

January 19, 2022

HI! I’m Miranda.
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I was (and still am) a candle addict. But as I started to learn about what is in most commercially bought candles I slowly started to swap out store-bought candles with their synthetic fragrances, paraffin, and toxic waxes to make my own with natural ingredients. 
As you will see, it’s super fun, less expensive and really easy to make your own! 

Choosing wax : 

When it comes to natural candles, there are only a few options for wax: 

  1. Beeswax is good because it burns slowly and releases a soft honey-like scent, but it’s also expensive. 
  2. I opt for soy wax as it is easy to find and inexpensive, it burns quicker than beeswax but holds onto natural scents longer and releases them slowly while the candle burns, so your candles smell better, longer.

Choosing essential oils :

There is a huge variety in the quality of essential oils available to purchase ranging from synthetic (the majority) to therapeutic grade. I use and teach others how to use doTERRA essential oils as they are therapeutic grade and quite simply – the best. The one downside of making candles with essential oils is that you need to use many drops, so I recommend sticking with the less expensive oils like citrus, mints, and florals like lavender. 

Aromatic benefits of therapeutic grade essential oils : 

  • Wild orange: Uplifting and energising 
  • Lemon: Invigorating and promotes a positive mood 
  • Bergamot: Reduces stress and tension
  • Peppermint: Opens the airways and helps focus 
  • Lavender: Calming and promotes peaceful sleep 

Request doTERRA essential oil samples here.

Ingredients for 2 12oz candles:

  • 3.5 cups of soy wax
  • A medium glass bowl or large glass jug
  • Candle wicks with anchors
  • 50-100 drops of doTERRA essential oil
  • Sellotape
  • 12 oz Mason jars 


  1. Pour the soy wax into a glass bowl/ jug 
  2. Place the bowl/ jug into a pan of water and bring the water to boil over medium heat
  3. As the wax begins to melt, stir the mixture with a wooden spoon. Melt the wax to a liquid consistency free of lumps
  4. Once completely liquid, use oven gloves to remove the bowl/ jug from the pan
  5. Allow the wax to cool off for a few minutes (until the temperature is down to 85º Celsius) then add the essential oils while the mixture is still a liquid consistency
  6. Stir the essential oils into the wax mixture with a wooden stick 
  7. Take a mason jar and place the metal end of the wick into the bottom of the jar. Hold the tip of the wick so that it sticks out of the opening of the jar
  8. Buy candle wicks with an anchor or sellotape at the top to help the wick stay in place 
  9. Pour wax into the mason jar 
  10. Wait 45 minutes for the wax to cool and harden. You can choose to put the candle in the fridge to speed up the process
  11. Once the candle has hardened, remove the sellotape and trim the wick so that it sits level with the rim of the mason jar
  12. Optional: Decorate 

Tip: for better results leave the candles to cure for a week before burning. Always cover candles tightly with a lid between uses so the scent doesn’t fade.  

Learn more about the benefits of essential oils in my beginners guide. 

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