Managing Stress

5 Healthy Habits to Survive and Thrive in Lockdown

January 19, 2022

HI! I’m Miranda.
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5 Healthy Habits To Help You Survive Lockdown

My heart is heavy. Yours might be too. What in the world is going on?
I remind myself in situations, like this to remember:
To have the serenity to accept the things I cannot change and the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. (The Serenity Prayer from AA).

I have to remind myself that there’s no point in worrying, losing sleep, and living with anxiety about what I cannot change. My attention is best directed towards the things I am in charge of and what I can influence.

Jack Canfield in his excellent book, The Success Principles observes that:
E+R = O
Event + Response = Outcome
Take the event of lockdown, which is something beyond our control, how we respond to the Event, for example: by taking this as an opportunity to learn something new or implement healthy habits will result in the Outcome of the experience e.g. come out of lockdown feeling fit, healthy and well or come out of lockdown feeling overweight, low energy and depressed.

How are you going to respond to the event and what do you hope the outcome to be? BE INTENTIONAL.

That leads me to the first habit I recommend implementing: Meditation. Meditation is the best tool I know of to help us to get out of our heads and away from worry. It lowers stress, connects us to something deeper than our mind, and helps us to sleep better. I meditate every day and I would be lost without it. You can see this video for my 3 favourite meditation apps. 
My 3 Fave Meditation Apps 
The second habit that I have for influencing the Outcome of lockdown is to eat healthily. That doesn’t mean you can’t have a glass of wine or a slice of cake but think about what you’re eating the majority of the day. Are you willing to experiment with a different way of eating? You could try being plant-based or experiment with intermittent fasting (you can get my guide to intermittent fasting here). Again, how you approach this time and the food you eat will affect how you feel and the outcome of the situation.

My third habit to not just survive, but thrive in this time, is to consider your joy list, or what small things bring you joy. Perhaps it’s a flower subscription so that you have fresh flowers delivered once a week, or you buy yourself a fantastic book which you will really enjoy reading, perhaps you love (lile me) a hot bath and you’re going to make the expereince even more luxurious with Epsom salts and lavender essential oil, or can you treat yourself to a new coffee cup which you’ll appreciate using. Simple pleasures that will light up your heart go a long way.

My fourth suggestion is to exercise daily. Move your body in some way every day. Anything you like! You can try my morning yoga video or sign up for any of the number of subscriptions that are currently available. There are loads of free options on youtube too. Just commit to moving your body in some way every day, you will feel and look so much better for it.

The fifth habit, I know will help you, is to remind you to be careful about what you watch and listen to.
As well as being mindful of our internal dialogue and the thoughts you entertain (covered in point 1) it’s important to remember that what you read/listen/say will have an impact on how you’re feeling and consequently what you’re thinking. I don’t recommend watching the news before bed (or at all, if I’m honest), be wary of watching scary or violent films or listening to the opinions of people you ultimately don’t respect (radio chat shows could make me kill someone, and I’m a pretty calm person!) Instead, consider listening and watching uplifting or funny films/podcasts/music/audiobooks. Nothing makes me feel happier than having an episode of Friends on in the background whilst I’m cooking something delicious.

Ultimately: Your decisions today will define your tomorrow. Choose to love and support yourself, nuture and mother yourself. You deserve to be well taken care of, it is no one elses responsibilty but your own.

Sending lots of love and if I can support you in anyway, please let me know xx

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