Healthy lifestyle

Homemade Deodorant Recipe (and how and why to make the switch).

May 5, 2022

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Homemade Deodorant Recipe 

(and how and why to make the switch).


I don’t wear antiperspirant, instead, I make my own homemade deodorant, and here’s why. 

Sweating is one of the ways our body regulates its temperature and removes toxins. It’s a detoxification process and an important one at that. 
Antiperspirants are classified as over-the-counter drugs because they inhibit a normal bodily function (i.e. the formation of sweat), due to their active ingredient, aluminum salts. These salts form a plug inside sweat glands, which inherently slows perspiration.
Our lymph glands run close to the skin in our armpits and if we use tonnes of commercial chemicals in that area, we end up clogging the pores and blocking toxins from leaving our body. 
So what happens to them? They re-circulate into the bloodstream. There’s some evidence suggesting that this is one of the reasons breast cancer is becoming more common. The toxins find the nearest tissue i.e. your breast and create problems. 
There’s no arguing that the list of ingredients found in antiperspirants is somewhat worrying. Particularly aluminum, which is a toxin to the brain. Fragrances and parabens found in deodorants are also problematic. 
Anything that is applied to the skin gets into the bloodstream. Think of how nicotine patches work. In small amounts, these products won’t likely create any problems. But if we start using deodorant as a teenager for the rest of our lives … that ends up being a long time! And frankly, the long-term effects are yet unknown. 
Most of us know when we feel crappy from eating junk food, but what about using toxic body care products?
I have no desire to honk in my quest for taking the best care of my body! 
So whilst I don’t use traditional antiperspirant, I make my own homemade deodorant using simple, natural ingredients and essential oils. It works better than any natural deodorant that I’ve purchased. This natural formulation doesn’t stop you from sweating but absorbs the moisture and the essential oils keep you smelling fresh. 
The only downside to my homemade recipe is that it will harden in cold weather, so you either need to warm it in some hot water or place it near a radiator. 

homemade deodorant

Homemade Deodorant Recipe (takes less than 5 minutes to make). 

  • 4 tablespoons Organic Coconut oil: antibacterial and neutralizes odor.
  • 1/4 cup aluminum-free Bicarbonate of Soda: neutralizes odor
  • 1/4 cup Arrowroot Powder: absorbs moisture.
  • 5 drops Tea tree Essential oil: a powerful antiseptic 
  • 5 drops Lemongrass Essential oil: purifying OR 
  • 5 drops Lavender essential oil: soothing 
  • Optional: 2-4 teaspoons Organic Shea Butter: moisturising to the skin.
homemade deodorant recipe

If you don’t want to make your own deodorant you can make the switch by purchasing natural deodorants from health food stores or through your doTERRA account (If you’d like to open a doTERRA account to purchase essential oils and natural products at wholesale price, message me here and I can explain the options and benefits.) 

Give it time 
Chances are that you have been slathering your armpits with conventional deodorant longer than you can remember and it takes time to detox and for your body to become accustomed to another form of odor protection.
When we try switching from conventional deodorant to natural deodorant, we have to let our body adjust to the different processes of deodorizing. 
When you stop using conventional deodorant, a layer of toxic build-up will remain. So, your body can’t sweat the way it’s supposed to and your natural deodorant won’t be able to work around that layer of build-up. Our bodies can naturally rid our bodies of toxins, especially if we eat well, exercise, and drink plenty of water. The thing is, it can take anywhere from 1 to 3 weeks, or longer, for our armpits to detox. So give it time before you give your verdict. 
Stinky Pits? When you remove the products you’ve been using you might shock yourself with stinky pits. They can be a sign that you need to detox (liver) and look at foods you’re consuming. 

doTERRA detox mud mask

When switching to a natural deodorant, you can aid the process by using the doTERRA Spa Detoxifying Mud Mask.
It contains Myrrh, Juniper Berry, and Grapefruit essential oils which promote cleansing and healing benefits. The malachite extract is one of the best choices for detoxifying the skin, while shea butter provides hydration. The kaolin encompasses minerals that clarify the skin and aid in the reduction of oily skin. 
To detox, your armpits with the mud mask, apply it to the armpits and leave it on for 15-20 minutes before washing it off. You can use this up to three times a week, especially when first switching from conventional to natural deodorant. A few uses should be all you need. (You can of course use it on your face too, to remove impurities). 
A doTERRA customer shared that she has seen incredible shifts since switching to her own homemade deodorant using doTERRA essential oils. After a lifetime of using commercial deodorants, she started to experience cysts growing in her armpits which had to be surgically removed and then regrew only months later. Now that she has been making her own deodorant using essential oils she has no issues.
Interested in learning more about using essential oils and shifting to a low-tox natural lifestyle? 

doTERRA essential oils

Join my next free introduction to essential oils class here.

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