
Creating The Health You Want

April 19, 2022

HI! I’m Miranda.
My mission is to help you have a positive, happy and healthy relationship with food and your body..
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There are only a few weeks left of 2019 and the New Year is fast approaching!
Have you ever made a new year’s resolution and not stuck to it?  If you said yes, it’s not just you! It’s you and just above EVERYONE else. 
New Year’s resolutions tend to be BIG and often far fetched goals. I often see clients who have failed because they have incorrectly set their goals. 
Change does not have to be traumatic or dramatic. Quick fix media headlines and diet dogma have made us believe that in order to become the healthiest versions of ourselves possible, we have to live in flavourless boxes of perfection which has led to extreme black and white ‘falling off the wagon’ type thinking. 
Being healthy doesn’t mean giving up everything you enjoy and resigning yourself to a life of counting calories or weighing food. It means establishing healthy daily habits that become your norm. 
There are 3 progressive steps to establishing your Healthy Habits :
1 Identify your desired feeling  e.g. confident, energised, sexy, vibrant, joyous – choose a few words which describe how you would like to feel- this will give you the motivation you need.2 Outline daily actionable steps e.g. wake up early to exercise, drink 2 L of water, stock fridge with fruits and veggies. 3 Name the desired outcome e.g. weight loss 
The first 2 steps are often missed and the outcome is considered the goal e.g. weight loss.Goals are in fact the daily actionable habits that get you there.  My goal this week is to:  get up early to exercise, drink 2 L of water and eat a whole foods plant based diet. 
To give your goals even greater weight use the SMART acronym to increase your focus and direction. 
For example: 
S PECICIFIC – I wake up at 6 AM to do 30 minutes of exercise. I drink 2 glasses of water before breakfast, I stock the fridge with my favourite fruit and veggies by doing an online order every Sunday. M EASURABLE – I do this 5 days a week for 3 months A CHIEVABLE – I listen to inspiring weight loss stories R EALISTIC – make sure your goal is within reach and not too difficult T IME BOUND – I will have lost half a stone by the end of the 3 months 
Make sure the goals are yours. Not someone elses! Your goals are unique to you, you don’t need to decide to run a marathon just because your bestie is! There isn’t one magic health bullet that works for everyone. Your healthy habits comprises the daily actions that allow you to be the best version of yourself, physically, mentally, and emotionally.
So what are your New Year health goals? I would love to hear them! 
Wishing you an incredibly happy and health filled Christmas and New Year ! 
PS If you would like greater clarity around your health goals I have a workshop on Saturday 4th January.
Join my New Year Wellness Day to:

  • Establish your health goals and create a strategy to fulfil them
  • Work out tangible and realistic steps for achieving these goals 
  • Learn about the power of a morning routine and how to implement my super effective 20/20/20 formula to kick start your day in optimal shape.
  • Apply the same tactics that great athletes use to stay focus and succeed
  • Create a virtual vision board to inspire you and keep you going
  • Learn how to use essential oils to support you on your new lifestyle’s journey 

All of this, whilst being nourished by deliciously healthy, plant-based food and surrounded by nature in my beautiful rural yoga studio in Oxfordshire.
10-4 at Mill house Yoga Studio OX9 
£75 p/p if booked before 25/12 £85 thereafter. 

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