Essential Oils

The benefits of Essential Oils

January 19, 2022

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The Benefits of Essential Oils

The benefits of essential oils

There are many benefits from using essential oils. 
More than you might think. 

There are generally two types of people who want to learn more about essential oils. 

  • The first has never used them before, doesn’t know anything about them, but something is nudging them (call it intuition) to learn more. If this is you, maybe you’ve been thinking about living a more natural lifestyle, but haven’t been sure where to start? 
  • The second type of person already lives a natural, healthy lifestyle and wants to bring it up a level. This was me. I thought I knew most things about health and wellness I devoured the latest nutrition books, obsessively studied yoga, and gave up my weekends to go to workshops on healthy cooking. So I was pretty surprised it took me until I was 34 to learn what the frick essential oils can do. Why had this secret been hidden from me for so long!

Until you’ve tried these pure, therapeutic-grade essential oils, you won’t know how truly transformative they are. Seeing as most others you can buy or are likely to have tried are anything like these. 

There are more reasons than these, but to keep it brief let me share with you the top 3 benefits from using essential oils:


  1. They offer a pure, natural solution to replace many of the toxins in your home. You can use them for cleaning, personal care, and for common ailments like headaches. Reducing your toxic load is key to improving your health – you gotta clear the ground before laying the foundation for a house. 
  2. Therapeutic grade essential oils are safe + effective. They’re highly concentrated so one drop goes a long way. Oils are 50-70% more powerful than their herb equivalent. 1 drop of peppermint essential oil is the equivalent to 28 cups of peppermint tea #forreals 
  3. Whilst essential oils have been used for thousands of years, they are now backed by science + research which have proven that they work on both a physical and emotional level. For the geeks check out this blog. 

Essential oils offer a valid, accessible, natural solution for our modern world and I’d love to be your guide and teacher for you to learn more about them. 
Watch my latest class recording or email me to find out the date for the next live class.  You can also request a free sample here.

Learn more about the benefits of the top ten essential oils in my Beginners guide to essential oils.  

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