
Radiant Skin Naturally

January 19, 2022

HI! I’m Miranda.
My mission is to help you have a positive, happy and healthy relationship with food and your body..
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As I write this, I’m sitting with a pimple on my face. 
I’m not perfect. 
And we don’t need to be! 
The beauty industry needs us to believe that we are less than, so that we buy their products. 
It stinks of the message that we need to outsource our healthcare, that it doesn’t come from within – that we have need help from outside of ourselves. 
Now, don’t get me wrong. I am a sucker for any creams, serums, or makeup that use words like ‘radiant’ ‘glow’ “luminescent’ in their marketing. Because if there is one word that I would like to use to describe my skin it’s RADIANT.  

But the truth is… the health of our skin has less to do with what we put on our skin, and more to do with what we put in our bodies. 

Every single cell in our bodies is made from: the food we eat, the water we drink, and the air we breathe. 
And the skin is the largest organ in our body. It is literally made from the food we eat. It’s an inside out job.  

There are three main reasons for lack luster skin: 

1. Gut/digestive health 

  • You are what you eat. 
  • Have you ever noticed looking puffy or inflamed after a takeout meal or too much alcohol? 
  • Reducing sugar, processed foods and alcohol is a must to reduce inflammation and have radiant skin. 
  • Focus on eating more healthy fats (avocado, wild fish, coconut or olive oil) + protein (organic meat, or vegetarian protein sources) + veggies/fruit high in antioxdants + vitamin C. 


  • The skin is our largest organ of elimination help it by: 
  • Hydration – helps the kidneys – keeps moving toxins out 
  • Make sure we are pooping regularly 
  • Exfoliating 
  • Body brushing 

Balance the microbiome 

  • Re-balance the microbiome 
  • Take probiotics 

2. Stress
We underestimate the effect stress has on the system.
We will all experience stress, but it’s key to learn how to MANAGE stress. 
When we are stressed we produce more cortisol, which can cause inflammation, and it will show up on the face and in the body. 

  • Exercise to help manage stress 
  • Meditation 
  • Sleep 
  • And all the tips in point 1 

Remember the power of your thoughts 
“If you have good thoughts, they will shine out of your face and you will always look lovely.” Roald Dahl  
Think of the sereneness of a meditating monk who has the clearest most ageless skin and likely doesn’t use any kind of products! 

3 Hormones
As anyone who has been pregnant knows our hormones can have a significant effect on the look of our skin. 
Teenage hormonal surges, pregnancy, and menopause are all-natural. 
Most acne is caused by excess oil production which clogs the pores in your skin. And your hormones can have a big effect on how much oil you produce. 
But there are ways that you can support your hormonal balance by: 1. What you eat 2. Hydration 3. Managing stress4. Supplementing 5. Essential oils  

What we put on our skin is also essential. How many chemicals do you put on your skin every day? 

I choose to keep the products that I use on my skin as low-tox as possible. 
Watch this video for more information about how to have radiant skin and hear me describe the all-natural products that I use.

The skin you live in is yours forever, so treat it well.

This live was created for my private Facebook group, to join my wellness tribe and receive weekly content like this, join the group here.  

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